Granny Square Crochet Bag is one of the most versatile crochet patterns that exists. This bag is perfect size for rushing around and getting things done. It looks trendy and professional with its rounded shape And the granny squares adds a little fun. It’s very light and has an extraordinary texture due to its natural, eco-friendly material. This Granny Square Crochet Bag is great to use while shopping for groceries because you can re-use it each time you visit the store. Crochet bags can be constructed in many different ways. One key way to mix things up is with the handles, which may or may not be crocheted and could be added to the body separately or worked into the design. Happy Crocheting !
You may also like the following free pattern tutorials :
1. Shell Stitch Beach Tote
2. Simple and Easy Crochet Bag
3. Crochet String Bag
4. Beautiful Crochet Bag
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[reveal heading=”%image% Open Video Tutorial”]Part I
Part II
This Crochet Giant Shell Stitch Beach Tote Pattern has a round base of about 15.5″ diameter and the body is about 25″ tall. Summer is officially here and Crochet Giant Shell Stitch Beach Tote would be fabulous to carry around.

If like me you’re always looking for patterns, Well I am here to take the frustration out of searching for your next pattern. The crochet community has grown last few years and many designers are setting up their own websites and hosting their own patterns. I like to find and show you these independent designers and bring their fabulous projects to you. Please always visit and thank the individual designers for their generosity.